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Covid-19:here is the vitamin cure to do to reduce your chances of contamination

We know that to be at the top of our physical and mental shape, our body must not lack anything. The slightest deficiency can immediately make it less efficient. In these times of epidemic, this is even more true. We need to boost our immune system as much as possible. Moreover, a recent American study tends to prove that vitamin D deficiency is a common factor for many coronavirus patients . Doing a vitamin D cure would be the secret to escaping Covid.

Vitamin D against Covid

A recent study published in the American scientific journal Journal of Clinical Endocinology and Metabolism , found that 82.2% of people who contracted the coronavirus were deficient in vitamin D . It will not replace the vaccine, but vitamin D can have a real effect on Covid-19. At least that's what 73 French-speaking experts claim. and 6 French learned societies (in particular the French Society of Pediatrics and the French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology). Indeed, a growing number of studies show that it can help reduce infection which is happening in the world. "In the absence of any major risk linked to supplementation at an appropriate dose and given that approximately half of the general French population has hypovitaminosis D, there is every reason today to supplement with vitamin D throughout the year people at risk, i.e. people aged 80 and over, or sick, or frail, or dependent, or obese, or living in nursing homes, and the general population during the winter period. » point out the doctors.

Vitamin D against severe forms of Covid

If the vitamins D cannot really prevent contamination, it would seem that they can at least prevent the serious forms. The research team studied death rates in the various countries affected by Covid-19 and found some correlation between death rate and vitamin D deficiency . “Our results suggest that vitamin D may reduce the severity of COVID-19 by suppressing the cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients. But more research is needed to account for other factors through direct measurement of vitamin D levels." they said.

How to avoid vitamin D deficiency

Unfortunately, our bodies do not produce vitamin D naturally. The main source of these remains the sun . But in winter, you can run out of it very quickly, depending on where you live. To try to avoid a deficiency, several possibilities are available to us:first, taking a food supplement. The food richest in vitamin D, cod liver oil , does not present itself as the most pleasant to consume! So you can turn to fish, milk or even eggs.