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3 reasons to be wary of sodas

As a reminder, a liter of soda =20 sugar cubes, or around 500 calories… But that's not all. Here are 3 things to know that will make us want to swap our soda for a green tea!

1 – It gives diabetes

As soon as we drink our can, the molecules and the sugar circulate in our blood and in high doses, they end up creating

cardiovascular pathologies by forming deposits on the walls of our arteries… Not very appetizing. Several studies have already shown that simply drinking a can a day increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by about 20%. Aspartame sodas are also accused of causing diabetes although studies have yet to be confirmed.

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2 – It makes you hungry

Sugar creates an insulin spike that sets the machine in motion:you want to eat more sugar. Especially since the calories in sodas are so-called empty calories, they do not provide any vitamins or minerals, and therefore do not nourish! Might as well drink a fresh squeezed fruit juice, which at least is good for us, for our skin and our vitality!

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3 – It causes bone demineralization

The body naturally produces acids to function but if it produces too much, it draws on its alkaline reserves to compensate. This leads to a drop in magnesium or calcium… Sodas, in addition to being acidic, are particularly rich in phosphoric acid, but excess phosphorus reduces the absorption of calcium… Another consequence, this demineralization affects the teeth by causing a erosion of the enamel, so cavities appear more easily.

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