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When your exercise buddy is making faster progress than you

Maybe you started cycling, swimming, running or strength training at the same time. Not everyone progresses at the same rate. That doesn't mean you can't exercise together anymore.

1. Remember that you don't always have to do the same exercises
When you do exercises or strength training together, you can both maintain your own pace. You can also do a slightly easier version of the exercise.

2. Let yourself be motivated by it
When someone is slightly better than you, you are motivated to get the best out of yourself. Use that to your advantage, but listen to your body to avoid injury.

3. Be honest
If you no longer enjoy exercising together, or are afraid that the other person thinks that way, it is important to be honest about it.

4. Ask for tips
Perhaps you have not yet fully mastered the technique or there are other tips that will help you progress.

Also read our 5 rules for running together>>