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These 4 everyday activities also fall under light exercise

Are you not moving enough every day? These everyday activities also count as exercise, making your exercise goal suddenly easier to achieve.

30 minutes of light effort

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an adult needs at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of light exercise each week, along with at least 2 times more intense muscle training. This is the basics. For more health benefits, you should exercise more and exercise more often. A number of activities that you may do regularly will keep the counter for the number of minutes you exercise per week running quietly.

1. Shopping

Shopping also counts. You cover a considerable distance in the city unnoticed and lifting your purchases requires a little more effort.

2. Wash the car

Washing the car for half an hour will burn about 135 calories, depending on your height and weight. So don't drive the car through the car wash, but get moving yourself.

3. Walking and cycling

Leave the car parked more often or park a little further away. Only take public transport if absolutely necessary. By cycling and walking to your destination more often, you are in motion for more minutes. It's something simple, but it contributes to your health.

4. Gardening or mowing the lawn

Blessed with a garden? Then you know that a garden is sometimes hard work. These are also good reasons to get started in the garden.

Every little bit helps.

Read also: Dossier walking:walking healthy