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A rested face looks smarter

What message do we send to others when we have slept well – or badly? Scottish researchers have looked into the question! To do this, they analyzed what effect puffy eyes produced on others, or tired features from lack of sleep. They therefore asked 200 volunteers to assess the degree of intelligence of faces corresponding to this state. These faces had been modified using software. For example, you could see frowning or drooping eyebrows, or even half-closed eyes, symptoms of a bad night...

Results? Unsurprisingly, tired – and therefore more closed – faces were judged to be less intelligent, proof of the importance that the dynamism of the face plays in the perception that others have of us. "I wanted to investigate perceptions of intelligence and sleep primarily to see if people can change perceived intelligence, independent of their physical attractiveness," the study's author explained in a relayed quote. by The Daily Mail . And this perception is therefore due to subtle elements, such as the opening of the gaze or the inclination of the eyebrows. We naturally tend to judge people who look sad, or less alert, as being less intelligent, he explains.

> Read also:Why lack of sleep makes you fat

3 signs that prove that we lack sleep

When you're sleep deprived, silly little things like ordering something online, making a phone call, etc. seem tedious to us, because our brain is in slow motion... Whereas we do the same thing without even thinking about it when we are fishing. But also, we are always hungry! As we have not recharged enough energy, the craving for sugar and snacking helps us to keep awake… And we rather want a Kinder than a green smoothie. Another sign, more often, according to a study,

we are indeed 3 times more likely to catch a virus when we sleep less than 7 hours... It motivates us to go to bed early!

READ> All you need to know about sleep disorders! #Sleep special